The social distancing policies put in place to reduce the spread of Corona Virus means most people will have to spend a lot of time indoors. The isolation translates to fewer opportunities for exercising and the home environment also leads to a sedentary lifestyle.
Also, there is a big relationship between what you consume, your physical activities, and your general well being. Your diet is a key player when it comes to social, mental, spiritual, and physical well being. And it is the main factor in keeping off diseases.
Lifestyle factors play a big role in determining whether you are going to get sick or stay healthy. One such factor is physical exercise or physical activity (PA). An inactive lifestyle is prone to increased risk for chronic diseases, loss of movement, and decreased immunity. It is for these reasons that physical activities are deemed essential during this Covid 19 pandemic.
You do not need to worry about cramped space, lacking exercising equipment, or personal trainer. The thoughts of inadequacy such as lacking a proper exercising environment are always easy to give in. Needless to say, bodyweight exercises are as effective as weight lifting. With this in mind, we will discuss ways to keep fit during this pandemic that are equipment-free exercises and promotes healthy living in general as recommended by Sunbury Chiropractor.
Benefits of Physical exercise.
Anxiety relief: Stress levels are on the rise especially given the current pandemic. People are losing there loved ones, losing jobs and their movement controlled. This stress and anxiety lower their immune response. By exercising, the body is able to release chemicals from your brain, such as serotonin and endorphins which helps in uplifting your mood, reduce depression, and delay the onset of dementia.
Immune support: Frequent physical activities help in building your immune system They are therefore able to fight and keep off disease-causing viruses.
Reduces health risks: Regular exercises reduce the risk of serious health issues such as diabetes, blood pressure, heart-related conditions, and stroke when it is paired with a balanced nutritious diet.
Weight management: Weight issues are highly associated with health-related conditions. Exercising helps burn excess calories and puts the body in good shape.
How to keep fit at home:
The goals you set before embarking on the workout routine plays a vital role in getting the results desired. This includes identifying what you are already good at, and what needs some improvements. You have to be extremely aware of your body, and how well it is adapting to the exercises. You have to be careful about the weight, brain activity, and your energy levels.
You can take advantage of and involve your partner or your kids in the exercise too. It not only makes it more enjoyable but makes it competitive and accountability is enhanced. The use of video calls and social media is also a great way to involve friends who might be distanced.
Having clear defined goals is a great way to access your progress. Since it is impossible to improve what you don’t measure, the goals will keep track of how you are fairing. Also, since many people end up spending a lot of their time sitting in their home office of the couch watching their favorite TV programs, it is advisable to measure how much time you spend in sedentary during this quarantine.
The recommended amount of physical activities different group of people should do by the World Health Organization are:
Infants below the age of one year should only be physically active a few hours a day while below the age of five years need to be moderate to vigorous activity at least 180 minutes a day.
Adolescents between 5 and 17 years need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercises at least 3 days a week while adults of over 18 years need 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercises throughout the week.
By following these tips, you will be able to reap maximum benefits during these crazy times and help to improve your body’s health.